Wednesday 28 December 2022

How to get a book deal?

A book deal is a contract which is a legally binding agreement between an author and their traditional book publisher. It dictates the assignment of rights, obligations, and money earned. It also includes the author's deadlines and the expected word count (terms dictated by publishers).

But are you sure?

The self-publishing industry is soaring, it’s growing, and it’s very lucrative for people now. It’s nothing like it was when it first started. More and more great books are being published by professional self- publishers such as White Magic Studios & (Amazon Kindle Self-publish) and they’re competing with traditional publishers.

And if you’re looking to grow your business with a book or a nonfiction writer in general; self-publishing (such as Amazon self-publishing, UK) is almost always the better route, unless you’re famous.

If you insist; the necessary steps are:

  • Once more; before going through the work and time to traditionally publish, make sure it’ll really work for you.
  • Write a killer book proposal which will convince the agent to give your book a chance.
  • Hire an agent directly or through query letters; who will approach the publishing houses for you.
  • Wait…wait…wait…until the agent responds and if you are very lucky, he will ask for your manuscript.
  • Wait longer till your publisher picks your manuscript from the agent.
  • A deal will be negotiated by the agent on your behalf.
  • Then a book deal is made. You sign the contract and publishers buy the rights to that book. Wait for another 2-3 years till the book is published.

Mind you! After publication, the script will not be exactly the same, the illustrations (no point to hire an illustrator) and formatting may not be what you had imagined.

Understand that book deals or contracts are made only in traditional publishing. Unlike self-publishing, you don’t have absolute rights over your book, the book cover design (or book covers for children), the layout, illustrations, etc. in traditional publishing.


Tuesday 27 December 2022

Illustrations increases the sales of books & elevates the reading experience

Since the earliest times, cave wall paintings were used by human to entertain themselves. Illustrations pleases the human mind more than anything. So it should be an integral part of your book- be it fiction or non-fiction.

Illustrations are an interpretive form of imagery. They’re used in a conceptual approach, to interpret or explain a particular idea. They’re most often used in teaching materials, animations, books, films, video, posters, or similar. 

So, whether you are self-publishing on Amazon or otherwise, it is imperative that you pay due attention to illustrations.

Why do we use illustrations?

  • It's easier for us to understand information using illustrations.
  • Illustrations help bridge cultural gaps.
  • Illustrations add delight to our products.
  • Illustrations spark your user's imagination.

Children have a rather short attention span that needs constant alternation and action to function at its best. Picture books are a great tool to keep them active while reading.

Not only kids, but also adults, enjoy books with illustrations. If you, as an author want to explain how a new product works in a non-fiction book through Kindle self-publishing(or otherwise); you can create an info-graphic that breaks everything down into a step-by-step format. Even in fiction, if you have too much text and want to break things up a bit, a well-placed illustration can offer a much-needed break for the reader.

Data proves that professional book cover designers, UK make use of illustrations tomake it stand out!


Making use of highly experienced professional illustrators (if you are self-publishing, London), to take on the image creation for your book is the best way to ensure a result that works for both you, and your book.

Reaching out and outsourcing this aspect of the creative process saves time, frustration, and allows authors to get back to what they do best: writing compelling prose. Add appeal & interest and make your book more attractive to readers.

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  If you have a dream of becoming a good writer like your favourite Jane Austen or Thomas Hardy then start by practicing to write daily. Man...